Sunday, August 23, 2009

The poor little catterpillar

One day a green, fat and cute catterpillar was climbing the gooseberry tree near was house. i just came back from school and was fascinated by that caterpillar. I stook under the tree watching it. After a while two crows came from nowhere and attacked the poor chap. One crow started puling the front part and the second crow was pulling the back part of the catterpillar.

When I saw this, I immidietly threw a stone at the crows. But the crows started attacking me. Then I ran into the house. From the window of my house I could see that the catterpller was torn into pieces. I felt so bad for the poor little caterpillar that day


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Stephen and Mark's Happy Day

One day morning, Stephen and I were walking by the sea. Then we saw an old boat near the beach. We told our mother that we wanted to go on a trip to Pune in that boat. My mother told that we cannot go to Pune on a boat as there was no sea there.

Then we went to Pune by bus. We were very hungry when we reached there. It was recession time and my father had been transferred to Pune. We knew where he was living. We went to his house and had food. Good thing he was in the house. Otherwise we would have been doomed to death.

In the house we had fat pillows which we threw on Stephen. Stephen fell from the bed and started to cry. We were all laughing. Then after that we slept. The next morning we said good bye to our papa and returned home.

Monday, June 22, 2009

My Journey To School

My journey to School on 22nd June was a creepy one.
At first It was fun. After that saw an accident on the road. When we were again having fun after a while, we saw another accident.
Then we were so scared that we were shivering. So we started playing hand cricket in the van. When we saw another accident this time, some thing looked really creepy.
Then, I found out that my friend was drawing all those accidents pictures which looked so real.
Then, we got very angry and bashed him up like anything.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Wonder Story

It was a wonderful day when Mark went to the beach. He was playing beach ball with his friend. By the way his friend's Name is Andy Wilson.When they were playing, a big wave suddenly pushed them inside the water. Mark and Andy Wilson were drowning. Then a man called Samson came to rescue them. Mark and Andy were saved!

Mark and Andy Wilson thought it was a sea monster which had pulled them into the sea. They never returned to the beach. One day, this story was told to Mark and Andy Wilson's mother. Their mothers told them that there was no such thing as a sea monster.

Mark and Andy Wilson started going back to the beach again. But made sure they played on the beach sand rather than the water :-)