Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Wonder Story

It was a wonderful day when Mark went to the beach. He was playing beach ball with his friend. By the way his friend's Name is Andy Wilson.When they were playing, a big wave suddenly pushed them inside the water. Mark and Andy Wilson were drowning. Then a man called Samson came to rescue them. Mark and Andy were saved!

Mark and Andy Wilson thought it was a sea monster which had pulled them into the sea. They never returned to the beach. One day, this story was told to Mark and Andy Wilson's mother. Their mothers told them that there was no such thing as a sea monster.

Mark and Andy Wilson started going back to the beach again. But made sure they played on the beach sand rather than the water :-)


  1. This is a really cool story - however we believe that you should not only play on the sand, but try to explore the water too! You may be surprised to discover other monsters, which may inspire you to keep writing such interesting stories.
    Saagarika, Neeraj, Mrinalini Aunty and Kiran Uncle.

  2. Good one samarpan! The next time a big wave comes be ready with your surf board :)
